
B.A., Chatham College

M.A., Ph.D., University of Virginia

Courses Taught

International Politics, U.S. Foreign Policy in the Middle East, The Israel-Palestine Conflict, Human Rights Seminar, Human Rights Advocacy, Politics of Mass Atrocities, Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict, International Relations Senior Seminar

Research Interests

Iraqi politics; Middle East politics; human rights; transitional justice


Beth K. Dougherty, A Historical Dictionary of Iraq, 3rd edition, Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press (2019).

Beth K. Dougherty, “Letting Nature Swallow the Past: The Politics of Memory in Post-War Bosnia,” Nationality Papers 47, 2 (April 2019): 248-263.

Beth K. Dougherty, “De-Baathification in Iraq: A Lesson in How Not to Pursue Transitional Justice,” Middle East Institute (January 2014).

Beth K. Dougherty & Edmund Ghareeb, A Historical Dictionary of Iraq, 2nd edition, Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press (2013).

Beth K. Dougherty, “Arresting Charles Taylor,” in Trials and Tribulations of International Prosecution, edited by Henry F. Carey and Stacey M. Mitchell, Lanham, MD: Lexington Books (2013).

Beth K. Dougherty, “Iraq,” “Iraqi High Tribunal,” “Higher National DeBaathification Commission,” “Sierra Leone,” and “Special Court of Sierra Leone,” in Encyclopedia of Transitional Justice, edited by Lavinia Stan & Nadia Nedelsky, New York: Cambridge University Press (2012).

Beth K. Dougherty, “Justice and Accountability in West Africa: The Operation of the Special Court for Sierra Leone,” (translated into Danish), Den Ny Verden (Denmark) 41, 2 (Dec 2008): 57 – 72.

Beth K. Dougherty, “Angola,” in Civil Wars of the World, edited by Uk Heo & Karl DeRouen, Jr., Santa Barbara, CA: ABC – Clio Press (2007).

Steve Saideman, Beth K. Dougherty, & Erin Jenne, “Dilemmas of Divorce: How Secessionist Identities Cut Both Ways,” Security Studies 14, 10 (Oct – Dec 2005): 607 – 636.

Edmund Ghareeb with Beth K. Dougherty, A Historical Dictionary of Iraq, Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2004.

Beth K. Dougherty, “Searching for Answers: Sierra Leone’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission,” African Studies Quarterly 8, 1 (Fall 2004): available at

Beth K. Dougherty, “Victims’ Justice, Victors’ Justice: Iraq’s Flawed Tribunal,” Middle East Policy 11, 2 (Summer 2004): 61-74.

Beth K. Dougherty, “Right-sizing International Criminal Justice: The Hybrid Experiment at the Special Court for Sierra Leone,” International Affairs 80, 2 (March 2004): 311-328.

Beth K. Dougherty, “Teaching African Conflicts,” Active Learning in Higher Education 4, 3 (November 2003): 271-283.

Beth K. Dougherty, “Byzantine Politics: Using Simulations to Make Sense of the Middle East,” PS: Political Science (April 2003): 239-244.

Beth K. Dougherty, “Comic Relief: Using Political Cartoons in the Classroom,” International Studies Perspectives 3, 3 (August 2002): 258-270.

Beth Dougherty

Manger Professor of International Relations

 Email:  Phone: 608-363-2084  Office: Room 112B, Morse-Ingersoll Hall

I’ve been a member of the Political Science department since 1996, and teach a wide array of courses on the Middle East, human rights, and nationalism and ethnic conflict.

My research focuses on the aftermath of mass atrocities, such as prosecutions by international / hybrid criminal courts in Sierra Leone, Iraq, and Cambodia and post-conflict memory in Bosnia. I have traveled extensively in the Middle East and Africa, most recently to Morocco in 2023.

I have received both campus and national awards for teaching: the Underkofler Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching (Beloit College), and the Rowman and Littlefield Award for Innovative Teaching in Political Science, awarded through the American Political Science Association.

I’m a native of Pittsburgh, and a devoted sports fan.

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